Think Green
Industry studies continue to document the linkage between utility conservation and separate billing for utility usage. A study conducted by the National Multi-Housing Council and the National Apartment Association found an 18 to 39 percent reduction in utility consumption in individually metered units compared to units that include utility expenses in rent. To provide greater awareness of personal utility use and an incentive to reduce that use, the Water Stewardship Act requires sub-metering of each new multi-unit residential building and certain retail and light industrial buildings granted a permit for construction after July 1, 2012. Tenants in these new buildings are to be charged for utility usage based on measured usage. Installation of sub-meters is also encouraged in existing multi-unit buildings and for any office components of newly constructed multi-unit buildings. Local government will be strict with these new requirements. The Water Stewardship Act directs the following state agencies to collaborate and identify opportunities to enhance programs and incentives for water conservation and water supply:
- Department of Natural Resources (DNR), including the Environmental Protection Division (EPD)
- Environmental Facilities Authority (GEFA)
- Department of Community Affairs (DCA)
- Georgia Forestry Commission (GFC)
- Department of Community Health (DCH), including the Division of Public Health (DPH)
- Department of Agriculture (AGR)
- Soil and Water Conservation Commission (GASWCC)
When you use utilities wisely, you save energy. Having sub-meters installed is one of the most conscientious things you can do to preserve your environment, and to conserve one of our most important natural resources. You can use less water by making simple life-style changes and installing low flow products. Here at Jasber Utility Services we take the utmost pride in knowing that our products and services are assisting in making our planet a cleaner and safer place as well as conserving our natural resources for future generations.
Learn more about our sub-metering services to communities. Reaching for Excellence Through Conservation.
Learn more about our management services to communities. Reaching for Excellence Through Preservation.